Radiofrequency Ablation Of The Facet Joints

Innovative Pain Specialists
Pain Management Specialists & Spine Specialists located in Arlington Heights, IL & Libertyville, IL
If ongoing pain is part of your everyday life, you don’t have to live with it!
At Innovative Pain Specialists in Arlington Heights and Libertyville, Illinois, board-certified pain management specialists Paul Marsiglia, DO, Demetrios Louis, MD, and their skilled team offer radiofrequency ablation of the facet joints to reduce pain without addictive pain medications or other invasive procedures.
Call the office to learn more or book an appointment online today.
Radiofrequency Ablation Q&A
What is radiofrequency ablation?
Radiofrequency ablation is a pain management solution that uses electrical current to heat nerve tissues and reduce pain signals to your brain. It’s a popular treatment for people struggling with back or neck pain and produces long-lasting relief. In fact, it can also be used in other parts of the body to manage pain safely and effectively.
Is radiofrequency ablation right for me?
To find out if you’re a candidate for radiofrequency ablation, your provder at Innovative Pain Specialists will discuss your symptoms, review your medical history, check your vital signs, and completes a physical exam. Your doctor will also recommend imaging studies such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or other tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Radiofrequency ablation may be the right solution if you struggle with ongoing neck pain, back pain, or other types of discomfort and that is not responding to medication, physical therapy and other non-invasive treatments.
What should I expect during radiofrequency ablation?
During the radiofrequency ablation procedure, you may receive medicine to help you stay relaxed and calm.
Your pain specialist will then numb the skin and place a needle towards the area of pain. Once the needle is confirmed to be in the correct positioning based on x-ray or ultrasound, then your physician will ask if you feel a tingling sensation. This preliminary step helps your doctor to identify the most appropriate spot for treatment. Once your doctor makes sure that the needle is in the correct position, then he/she will administer additional numbing medication. At this point your provider then sends radiofrequency currents through the needle in order to heat the tissues and diminish pain signals.
What happens after the procedure?
After undergoing radiofrequency ablation, you can go home the same day, but you must have a friend or family member drive you home if you have sedation. Temporary side effects may include numbness, soreness in the area of treatment, and mild bruising at the treatment site. Avoid strenuous activity until your provider permits you to do so.
You can usually return to normal activities within days after radiofrequency ablation. You may notice reductions in pain for as long as 12-18 months or longer, but every patient is different.
Yoru pain specialist could recommend radiofrequency ablation in addition to other pain-management solutions. They personalize each treatment to give you the best outcome and change your treatment regimen if needed.
To learn more about radiofrequency ablation and find out if it’s the right treatment for you, call the nearest Innovative Pain Specialists office or schedule an appointment online today.
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