Vertiflex Superion For Spinal Stenosis Specialist

Innovative Pain Specialists
Pain Management Specialists & Spine Specialists located in Arlington Heights, IL & Libertyville, IL
Leg or back pain associated with spinal stenosis can feel debilitating, but you don’t have to live in pain. At Innovative Pain Specialists in Arlington Heights and Libertyville, Illinois, pain management specialists Paul Marsiglia, DO, Demetrios Louis, MD, and their experienced team offer minimally invasive Vertiflex™ Superion for spinal stenosis to give you the relief you desire. Call the nearest office to learn more or book an appointment online today.
Vertiflex Superion for Spinal Stenosis Q&A
What is Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis?
Vertiflex Superion is a minimally invasive, indirect spinal decompression treatment for spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a condition that causes narrowing of your spinal canal and often neck or back pain. If other treatments haven't worked, your provider might recommend Vertiflex Superion to reduce spinal stenosis discomfort.
What are the symptoms of spinal stenosis?
Common signs of spinal stenosis include:
- Leg pain
- Back pain
- Cramping in your legs
- Weakness
- Tingling
- Numbness
Complications of untreated spinal stenosis might include walking or balance problems, bladder dysfunction, bowel issues, or paralysis.
What are the risk factors for spinal stenosis?
Factors that increase your risk of developing spinal stenosis include:
- Herniated discs
- Spinal injuries
- Thickened ligaments near your spine
- Bone overgrowth
- Trauma
- Tumors
- Scoliosis
- Other congenital spinal deformities
- Older age
If you have severe or ongoing back or leg pain due to spinal stenosis and want relief, the experts at Innovative Pain Specialists can help.
Is Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis right for me?
To determine if you’re a candidate for Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis, your provider discusses your symptoms and medical history. They check your vital signs, complete a physical exam, and may order CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, or other imaging procedures.
What should I expect during Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis?
Before undergoing Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis, you receive light anesthesia. You remain awake during the procedure but feel relaxed and comfortable.
Your pain specialist makes a small incision near your spine, places a tiny spacer inside of it to hold the spinal canal open, then closes the incision.
Benefits associated with Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis include:
- Long-lasting relief
- No addictive pain medications
- No general anesthesia
- Low risk of complications
- Low risk of infection
- Reversible
Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis is an outpatient procedure, so you can usually go home the same day as your surgery.
What happens after the procedure?
After Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis, have a friend or family member drive you home and follow all of your post-procedure instructions.
Keep the surgical site clean, avoid soaking the incision area while it heals, get plenty of rest, and attend all follow-up visits. Avoid strenuous activity until your provider gives you permission. As tissues heal over time after surgery, you can expect less ongoing pain and a better quality of life.
To learn more about Vertiflex Superion for spinal stenosis and find out if the procedure is right for you, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.
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